Monday, April 11, 2011

I Guess This Is For Real

Pulled out all the baby clothes for giving away on Friday.  Inventoried and offered to sell all my supplemental nursing gear and domperidone. I cried buckets of tears.

It looks like we're really moving onto the next stage of our lives.  The one without babies. I'm sure I'll be okay with it, but right now I'm sure feeling sad.


Jennifer said...

Oh, Sara, I'm so sorry. ((hugs)) I know it's tough, but I think going ahead and packing up the stuff was a good idea. And you have 2 beautiful children to help you pick up the pieces. Hang in there. Jennifer

The Bug said...

I know this is hard (or I guess I should say that I'm pretty sure it is because I haven't been in your shoes), but I agree with Jennifer that getting it done is a good idea. Sending warm thoughts your way...

Unknown said...

Hugs to you, dear friend.

zannster said...

I am totally having the same problem! I don't want to leave it behind, yet I can't really imagine having more. *sigh*

Kristin @ Intrepid Murmurings said...

Hey, I know this is very belated but I am just reading this post now and wanted to let you know I've been thinking of you and sending you peace. It's Hard Hard Hard to let go and change gears with life plans of this sort! You have and amazing family & are an inspiration. Thanks for sharing the good and the bad!