Saturday, February 14, 2009


I am home after two back to back trips with 5 frantic days in between spent mostly trying to catch up on sleep debt and do laundry (oh, and am I supposed to actually be teaching my children something??). While the 2nd trip was vacation with fun and relaxation, the length of absence from actually accomplishing that work I believe I need to do stressed me out.  So even while sleeping off a long late flight and a day of laundry, all I could think about was OmniFocus vs Things.

I was still stuck with the problem that OmniFocus seemed to have the level of complexity I crave while the beauty of Things took my breath away. Something I said finally pushed Bill over the edge and he started looking at Things.  Turns out he found a feature called "areas" that I had not which allows me to create areas of responsibility that contain my projects. While areas does not give me the multiple layers OmniFocus easily delivers, it is good enough.  Problem solved.

10 minutes later I had Things on my laptop and phone.  Yesterday was a delightful frenzy of going through my inbox recording to do items in Things and deleting those 300+ messages that dated back to a year ago August. Tomorrow I plan to assign most of those 50 tasks to their related projects, tag them with their "modality" (as in phone, computer, agenda for Bill, library) and actually start doing tasks.