Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Political Compass

Resist Racism posted a link a while back to a test to determine one's own political leanings.  Take a short survey to find out where you land on the graph.
Here's mine.  I'm the little red dot towards the bottom.

The trick is, I don't really understand what it means.  Perhaps I would have done better to go to bed and sleep THEN in the morning try to read through the information introducing the test. My best guess is that the test confirms my idea that I am socially liberal and financially conservative.

Anyone care to explain?  And tell me about your test, too!


Jenni said...

my chart

Interesting, Sara. Thanks

Qarin said...

PNW Mama said...

I am almost Jenni....

Sara said...

I KNEW there was a reason I liked hanging out with you people!

Pretty interesting to me that you all are so close to the same spot.

Anonymous said...

Last time I took it I was pretty far to the left, and a teensy bit above the line. By my interpretation that makes me a classic liberal, even a bit of a socialist - which is pretty much how I think of myself. I do think a government can and should do some good for the people who live in the country.

To me yours says you have pretty strong libertarian beliefs. And yeah, the midline score between right and left could mean some things quite a bit one way and an equal number of others quite a bit the other. Or it could indicate moderate beliefs on most things on the left vs right.

I took a very similar test a few years back somewhere, and it gave an explanation along with the chart. I liked it better with that.

Unknown said...

Economic Left/Right: -7.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.28
Just a little more left than Gandhi - not bad company! :)

Sara said...

Obviously, I don't fall far from my mama's apple tree. We're both pretty close to the center and neither of us can really figure out what it means!