Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Nicest Thing

Yesterday, at a birthday party, a friend and I noticed Rosie march off to engage with her buddies.  My friend watched her for a second, then laughed and said, "she walks just like you do."

I got all teary.  That may be one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me.

Turns out, my mama heart longs to know my girl is "just like" me, even when we don't physically resemble each other.


Anonymous said...

One of the joys of being a mother.. Long time in updating...hope all is well...take care.

poobail said...

Hi, I just came to your blog thru the Unshelved invite. =-) I, too, am the mama of a beautiful AA girl. I've had her since birth, she's now 20 months old. Recent snapshots of us at a wedding showed me how we share the same expressions. As you say, boy howdy, does that warm my heart! Enjoy!